Father's Girl:

A collection of writings from a daughter of the King

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Clothed in TRUTH

As we started this new year, I reflected on what God might have in store for 2024, when he reminded me of something Jesus said in John 10:10 – “I have come that they might have life. And have it abundantly.” I don’t know whether you think about your hopes, dreams and prayers for the…

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Birth that lasts a lifetime

A couple of months ago, as I waived my eldest daughter off to her first day of her first full time, graduate job, a number of thoughts buzzed through my mind. Firstly, how proud I was of this beautiful, intelligent, creative, hard-working and resilient young lady who had got through so many challenges and was…

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Lockdown reality and overdue hugs xx

This weekend I had my first hug with a grown up in three months. This weekend I sunk into my mother’s arms and cried. In many ways I am more fortunate than many, falling within the group given permission by Boris Johnson to ‘bubble’ with another family by virtue of my single parent status. I…

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Driving through the storm

A couple of weeks ago as I was driving home there was a very sudden and almighty downpour. I found myself driving in a horrific storm. Raindrops the size of tennis balls were battering my windscreen, gloomy dark clouds were overhead and visibility was really poor as the rain pelted down ferociously, extremely hard, really…

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Awesome – an exaggerated cliché?

A little while ago I read an article criticising what it described as the ‘current trend’ to use ‘clichéd, exaggerated’ adjectives such as ‘awesome’, and ‘amazing.’ I use these words quite a lot and for a little while after reading the article I started to become quite self-conscious about it. I mean, I was using…

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Blessings, whatever your circumstances

My new job takes me close to Cambridge two or three times a week. I am surrounded by glorious countryside for the entire 50 mile journey which makes it an incredibly pleasant drive (particularly as most of the traffic is heading in the opposite direction!).  Throughout June, the variety of shades of green and the…

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I haven’t published a note for a while but I’ve felt compelled to write up what God has put on my heart about waiting. So here goes…(!) Over the last week I have been really struck (again) by Jesus’ command to the disciples to “wait” (Acts 1 v 4). They had seen him raised from the…

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It doesn’t matter who we are, how important or insignificant we feel, what others think of us, our role at work, our age, our gender, our race, the colour of our skin, our circumstances, what we’ve done in the past or how much we’ve seen or experienced God, God loves us and has a plan…

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No more ‘secret’ bank account

Last Sunday a few of us were enjoying Church breakfast (yes, breakfast – I love our church!), munching croissants and chatting.  I find it’s often these informal times when God speaks to me most clearly – usually about something he’s tried to point out many times in the past.  Conversation turned to joint bank accounts. …

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